registration number
  Support Us

Charity to Senior Citizen's Care Centre (SCCC) may be solicited & accepted in form of:

- Sponsoring costs of medicine for the elderly people. Making available   para-medical staff and/or sponsor their visiting fee and expenses.

- Rehabilitation and follow-up activities for the patient Information dissemination   on the services and program activities of the Center

- Organizing specific tour program or sharing its costs for the Senior Citizen

- Enhancing psycho-social physical capacity and organizing recreational activities   for the Senior Citizen by providing material and service support

- Contribution to the living expenses of the Senior Citizen while at the SCCC

- Sponsoring the costs of acquisition of medical, life/living support equipment or   providing them e.g. wheel chair, folding bed etc.

- Making available the transportation and ambulance services Offering the   management and administrative services and/or their expenses



Donation can be made to:
Acount name: Jestha Nagarik
Account Number: 0201017504346
Swift Code: NARBNPKA
Nabil Bank
Maharajgunj Branch, Kathmandu