registration number

As Nepal is a land locked developing country of the Asia decorated with different languages, religion, culture and institution, the people do not know when and how they are helpless upon being uneducated and unemployed while fulfilling an obligation towards family and nation.

The governmental and non governmental agencies have established various service centers, caring center and senior citizen home in nepal for the protection and security of senior citizens; however it is nominal in comparison to the population of senior citizen. Therefore, this Senior Citizen Care Centre has been established on 2067-2-5 B.S. (May 19, 2010 A.D.) at its own cost and labor, pursuant to advice and opinion of experienced intellectual and scholar who have got their experience while working in various institution, with an aim of enhancing social security, respect and understanding of Senior Citizen by identifying the knowledge, skills, experience and competency inherent inside them in the context of social transformation of an entire world.


   To rehabilitate senior citizen who are facing difficult situation, in the society in a dignified manner.


   To identify current programs, policies and capabilities and to promote so as to establish rights, privileges and security of senior citizen with the society and the state.


The objectives of an organization are as follows:

a. It shall be non profit making social organization.

b. To protect senior citizen of different religion, origin and culture equally in a dignified manner.

c. To move forward in collaboration and partnership with national international agencies and organizations upon taking initiative within a state for creating an environment of fulfilling basic needs (food, shelter, cloth and medicine) of senior Citizen who are poor, helpless, handicapped and disabled.

d. To enhance respect, dignity and understanding towards senior citizen by identifying the knowledge, skills, experience and competency inherited them for their protection and social security.


Board Members  
Devi Oli (Pokhrel) President
Kalpalata Subba Vice President
Bandana Karki Secretary
Sabitri Pandey Joint-Secretary
Saraswoti Lama Treasurer
Keshar Bahadur Rokka Member
Laxmi Devi Tamang Member
Chandra Devi Pokhrel Member
Manju Budhathoki Member